Edit: A p-channel mosfet to keep DC boost circuit separated from main circuit until its charged worked like a charm.
I'm trying to build a DC-DC boost converter, controlled by a 200kHz PWM signal generated by a PIC16F887 microcontroller to produce a 10V DC out of a 5V USB port as a part of hobby project.
When I seperately supply my PIC and DC-DC boost circuit, they both work well. But when I try to supply it from same line, this happens. Periodically, the power circuit's inrush current causes a voltage drop, which causes a reset. Then it all starts once again until the next reset.
I just read that on some sources it's called a "hiccup fault," but couldn't find a proper way to deal with it. Any suggestions?
(p.s: The load and output current will also be clocked next. The Zeners are to keep the DC-DC boost from over boosting during no-load situation.)
edit: pictures are inlined on request