I am using this microcontroller - S32K142 - 64 pins. Core voltage: 5V
I want to know whether the oscillator that we use for the controller would consume any current.
If it consumes current, how to find that? I was not able to find it in the mentioned datasheet.
Question 1 :
Suppose, I use this 8MHz resonator between the pins 11 and 12, how to determine the current consumption due to this resonator?
Question 2 :
What would be the case if I use the internal 48MHz FIRC or some other oscillator?
Question 3 :
Suppose I use the 112MHz as the core clock frequency of the microcontroller i.e.HSRUN mode, from Table 13,I get that, at 25degC, the current due to the oscillator is 112*360uA = 40.32mA? Isn't this a very high value? Am I correct in calculating the oscillator current, this way?
So, If I enable all the peripherals in HSRUN mode, my total microcontroller current consumption would be 52.2mA+40.32mA = 92.52mA. Is this correct?
But I am confused like, what about the current consumption due to FIRC usage(suppose if I use FIRC clock source also)? Suppose, I also use the FIRC module for some other peripherals, say like SPI at 48MHz. What would be the current consumption due to the FIRC module usage? Would it be 48*360uA = 17.28mA?
The 40.32mA current was only due to the HSRUN mode which derived its frequency from the external resonator of 8MHz and upconverted to 112MHz by the SPLL. So, should I add both the currents as I am using 2 different clock sources (FIRC and SPLL)?
Please help to clarify - to calculate the current consumption due to different clock source (FIRC and SPLL) module usage and peripheral module usages?