What is a cheap way to generate a square wave with a frequency of 120MHz. I've been thinking of the following solutions:
- Use a Raspberry Pi, then use a timer or something from that board
- Use an oscillator (will the signal be a square wave or sinusoidal?)
- Use an oscillator + PLL
- Use an FPGA/CPLD
I like the oscillator (e.g. http://at.farnell.com/saronix/s1903c-120-00-e/quarzoszillator-smd-120-000000mhz/dp/1210018) approach very much, but I couldn't find out if the output signal will be a square wave or sinusoidal.
I need the signal to feed it into a SerDes part and then do some tests with that part.
Any ideas?
Maybe I should add that the device will not be directly placed near the IC, therefore the signal should have some "power" on its output line.