Yes, those are ground stitching vias. Yes, there are more there than strictly necessary.
Don't use this board as an example of how to do ground stitching.
There are several spots where the designer should have done something else.
Have a look here:
Between the text "C1" and "C2" is a little "island" of ground plane that was left over from the solid ground pour after placing parts and routing traces.
That "island" should have been removed. Those things can radiate high frequencies generated by currents through the ground plane.
The designer tacked the "islands" to another ground plane, so they (probably) won't radiate anything.
It would have been better to remove the little islands than to stitch them. With stitching vias you can be pretty sure the islands won't radiate - but you have to pay for the vias on each board.
If you remove the islands, then they won't radiate at all - and you don't have to pay for vias or remember to stitch that area if you change the layout.
There's another island by R2, and a larger one by R4.