I have a question please about sparks used in the early history of radio. I have read the similar questions but I still need your help please.
I have learned from sources such as https://neurophysics.ucsd.edu/courses/physics_1b/SerwayCP7_Ch21.pdf and http://www.arrl.org/files/file/History/History%20of%20QST%20Volume%201%20-%20Technology/Kennedy%20N4GG.pdf that AC, whether in wire or spark, creates EM waves. This is because in AC the electrons are constantly accelerating and decelerating, and acceleration of a charged particle is required to generate EM waves.
I am using 2 HV generators to generate sparks and a neon bulb to test for presence of EM waves.
(1) The first generator is a small enclosed plastic cylinder. I give it 5VDC input with low amps. I couldn't find specs for output except it claims to generate 400KV output which I doubt. This generator continually produces an intermittent spark which causes the neon bulb to flash in sync.
(2) The second generator is a ZVS flyback transformer ("12v-36V Zero Voltage Switching(ZVS) Tesla Coil Flyback Driver Circuit"). I give it 24VDC at 10A. This generator continuously produces a solid spark which causes the neon bulb to stay lit continuously. The specs for this generator state that it generates "High voltage direct current output, voltage input voltage of about 1000 times."
If this is true then it seems to be that the DC spark is creating EM waves, which does not make sense to me. How is the neon bulb lighting up?
In AC the electrons are constantly accelerating and decelerating... which is required to generate EM waves.
The constant flow of electrons (DC) creates an EM field (that's high-school electronics). That field is modulated when the flow of electrons changes rate (such as via a spark). You might be confusing a modulated frequency with what the early scientists were experimenting with using sparks. \$\endgroup\$