I wanted to try an unusual thing, I couldn't find enough resources explaining this approach.
Few days back, I built a fairly simple CFL inverter using a TL494 IC and a couple of power transistors. It's fed with 12V DC supply from a battery and it generated ~ 220v high frequency square wave AC output which can drive a CFL Light or similar load of approx 35 watt. It uses a 12-0-12 4 amp transformer.
I also created a Slayer exciter using my hand made 1000 turn secondary coil which is working ok. The problem is - the slayer exciter runs on 12V input and thus I have not been getting a super high output voltage on secondary and naturally the sparks are short in length. I wanted to amplify this.
I was wondering, if I can feed the output of my inverter into the primary side of the Tesla coil and get a larger output voltage at secondary or not. Theoretically I do not find a problem in this, except the power limits. 5-6 turns of primary coil will try to draw a lot more current than 40 watts is my assumption. But I can work on the current limit somehow and not overwhelm the power transistors or the inverter transformer. I am also not worrying about the lack of an interrupter right now, I can work on perfection if it works.
I want to know if the Tesla coil would work if powered this way. Where should the non-open terminal of the secondary winding of my Tesla coil be connected to, in order to achieve this? I am just asking this in reference to the Slayer exciter design. It won't have to contribute to the oscillation of the input signal unlike Slayer exciter, because the input signal, i.e. 220v AC is already a high frequency square wave. I am assuming it has to be grounded to make it work. Is that correct?
Sorry if my question sounds silly, I am not an electronics expert. I am just a newbie hobbyist.