The specs say max charge current for one battery is 0.5C or 1A. If my
charger charges at 2A is that shared between each battery so they are
ok with 1A max or do both get 2A?
The charge current will be shared approximately equally between the two cells, depending on the resistance of each battery. If both cells are the same type, age and capacity then their resistances should be close to the same, and the current should split nearly equally (ie. ~1 A per cell). A small charging current imbalance shouldn't cause damage, because while the cell with lowest resistance will get more current it probably will be able to handle more current.
However if one cell becomes disconnected or its connector develops a high resistance the other cell will get much more current than it is rated for. Therefore you should either hard-wire the cells together into a single connector, or limit total charge current to 1A.