This is hopefully not too silly question: I did set up the dsPIC33CK256MP503 to work with audio microphone via I2S, and it does interrupt for each 32-bit data as expected.
There is per I2S standard alternating of left and right channels, see my analyzer picture.
The PIC's SPI automatically generates the clock and WS streams. Microphone answers with data and PIC calls an interrupt every 32-bits.
Once I am in the interrupt routine... how to easily recognize that specific interrupt is from left or from right channel (or what was the value of WS output)?
I do not want to use the data value of 0x0000000 from the Right channel for that, because what if someone has two microphones and there would be actual data as well? I rather know what was the status of WS channels select generated by the PIC at the time of interrupt.
Anyone can suggest a simple trick how to do it?