This LTspice model
produces this netlist:
V2 N001 0 AC 1
R6 out1 0 10k
R32 N003 out1 50k
R31 N002 out1 50k
R1 N003 N001 R1
R2 N002 0 R2
C1 N003 0 C1
C2 N002 N001 C2
.ac oct 100 60 6000
.param R1=39k R2=47k C1=22n C2=10n
But produces these errors:
Error on line 6 : r1 n003 n001 r1
Unable to find definition of model "r1"
Error on line 7 : r2 n002 0 r2
Unable to find definition of model "r2"
Error on line 8 : c1 n003 0 c1
Unable to find definition of model "c1"
Error on line 9 : c2 n002 n001 c2
Unable to find definition of model "c2"
Fatal Error: Missing capacitance value for "C2"
Does anyone know:
- Why can it not find the
capacitance value for "C2"
? - And what so the errors
Unable to find definition of model "r1"