Is it possible to connect some MCUs together in a star topology, without using any hub or switch? EDIT: There will be a main MCU in the star topology and it will be receiving 2 different GPS datas (From 2 other MCU's). There will be POE coming to the main MCU also. This main MCU will be sending those GPS datas to another two MCU's. All the communication will be done with ethernet. This is the network roughly.
I was thinking using splitter for POE data coming to the Main MCU and using the data of it only. 10 Mbit communication speed will be enough, the events are not that time crucial. However, for designing the circuit what kind of components I will need for the main MCU PCB. I thought there must be a transceiver but then I saw that switches also do the job of the transceivers. There will be no internet connection in the network. So I thought maybe without switches or hubs that might be possible.
Edit 2: Looks like it is doable with only using an ethernet connector.