simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
We were tasked to find the node voltage V. My analysys:
- The way I approached this problem is to first make the assumptions of the state of the diodes. My guess is that D1 and D6 will be OFF while D5 will be on. My reasoning for D1 and D6 being OFF is because they have the opposite polarity from the voltage source that are parallel with them. D5 on the other hand i think will be ON because of a positive potential difference between the anode and cathode. But i'm having trouble with the state of D2 and D3.
- My guess is that given the direction current source and the fact that current moves from higher to lower potential, D2 will be ON since D2 has the +- potential.
- If D2 is ON, will V just be the forward voltage of the diode? In this case, 0.7 V since these are given to be silicon diodes.