For DSBFC AM (double side band full carrier amplitude modulation ) the message signal \$m(t)\$ must be multiplied by carrier maybe $$ A_c\cos(\omega_c(t)) $$ (For modulation)
This modulation is done in reality by using the non-linear characteristics of the diode, where
$$ i(t)=av + bv^2 $$
\$v =\$ applied voltage to diode
Here we apply
$$ v =V_c(t)+V_m(t)$$ $$ i(t)=a(V_c+_Vm)+b(V_c+V_m)^2 $$ $$ i(t)= aV_c +bV_m +bV_c^2+bV_m^2 +2V_cV_m $$
Here $$V_c=A_c\cos(\omega_c(t))$$
Thus $$i(t)=aA_c\cos(\omega_c(t))+bm(t)+b(A_c\cos(\omega_c(t)))^2 +bm(t)^2 +2m(t)A_c\cos(\omega_c(t))$$
After simplification
$$i(t)=aA_c\cos(\omega_c(t))+bm(t)+\frac{bA_c}{2} +\frac{bA_c\cos(2\omega_c(t))}{2} +bm(t)^2 +2m(t)A_c\cos(\omega_c(t))$$
In frequency domain I can clearly understand following components
$$ f(\text{message frequency}),f_c,f_c+f,f_c-f,2f_c $$
but my book tells me there are additional components at \$2f_m\$.
Can someone help me understand where it is?