I'm in my 3rd year of my electrical eng. degree. I have a project right now, where I must create a PID controller for implementation. They gave me the exact values for constants Kp, Ki, Kd and the maximum acceptable frequency.
My integrator circuit is based on the Miller integrator, but with a resistance in parallel with the capacitor, so I can have constant gain with low frequency signals.
My question is: How do I choose or calculate the values of the resistances and the capacitor, based on the max frequency they give me and the integration constant Ki?
My integrator looks like this picture:
Image source: Electronics Tutorials - AC Op-amp Integrator with DC Gain Control
I uploaded a photo of the PID i am trying to use. Feel free to point any erros. It uses a proporcional, integral and differentiator components and then a inverting summing op amp.
form, which is a lowpass. The slope that you're seeing is the integral part, and the corner is given by the pole. And what I meant was for a one opamp PID, but it looks like you want to build it with more than one opamp. You should specify this in your question, but that would mean you're no longer looking for a PID, but for a PID that must be built according to your rules. \$\endgroup\$