I am currently trying to build a 4-bit adder and I've run into an odd problem.
The LEDs only seem to light up if my fingers are near, seemingly arbitrary, parts of the circuit. I have only connected two bits so far. The circuit seems to work as intended, I also tested it on TinkerCad.
0+1 returns 01 a.k.a 1 in decimal
1+0 returns 01 a.k.a 1 in decimal
1+1 returns 10 a.k.a 2 in decimal
I just don't get why the LEDs are behaving oddly.
Look at the TinkerCAD sketch for the circuit, my build irl is basically identical with the only difference being I've rotated the dip-switches 180 degrees so the numbers of the dip-switch are facing upwards. I have also logically so connected the dip switches to low (negative) instead of the high (positive) you see on the TinkerCAD sketch.
Irl mine would be:
I am running it on 5 volt. The resistors are 1kOhm resistors.
XOR gates are of the model 74HC86N
AND gates are of the model 74HC08
OR gates are of the model 74HC32
See video for clarification video.