In the following circuit two DC sources with different voltage and current are connected in parallel using diodes. Can I assume that the load works fine if either of the source is available (S1 or S2) and when both sources are available, then power is supplied from S1(15V) source and S2(12V) remains idle?
When S1 alone is available, considering D1 drops 0.51V and Regulator giving 75% efficiency, I would still get 3.3V, 400mA output from regulator (i.e 15 - 0.51 = 14.49V, P = 14.49 * 0.133 * 75% = 1.44W, Regulator Output = 1.44/3.3 = 0.436A). Is this calculation correct?
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab