I am trying to control RGB LEDs using 74HC595s. Three of them determine the input voltage and one of them determines the ground.
Here is what I found while seeing the answers to a slightly similar question
The 74LS04 have internal resistors to reduce the shoot-thru current. When that pin is driven high, the Vbe and Resistor limit the current. Is that resistor designed for permanent heating? Those pins are short-circuit-proof
I want to connect the two 74595 together with a LED in between without a current limiting resistor since I believe the buffers have an internal resistor connected to the upper MOSFET in the totem pole
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
LED ratings:
- Max current = 25mA
- Typ. Vforward R = 1.95V
- Typ. Vforward G = 3.3V
- Typ. Vforward B = 3.3V
I have searched through the documentation but none of them shows the internal structure. What is your opinion about not using the current limiting resistor?
I believe the buffers have an internal resistor connected to the upper MOSFET in the totem pole
assuming (as there's no internal schematics available) that the CMOS tri-state inverter at the output is a minimalistic design (i.e. consisting of only 4 transistors), 2 of them are always in series with the outputs. These can be thought of as series resistors but they may not act as current limiters. Plus, the max output current per pin under abs. max ratings section may tell you something. I'd put series resistors anyways. \$\endgroup\$