I am working on a "device" based on a CSR8645 Bluetooth Receiver module from eBay. .
My current issue is the fact that each audio channel has its own ground, and if I connect both grounds together to the jack, the sound coming out is distorted. Granted, this may be an imperfect connection on my part or the PCB is faulty.
This gentleman here also has a similar issue. Granted he's getting mono output and wants to output to speakers (with each speaker having its own ground).
Looking at his post, maybe my board is using the same bridge amplifier technique. If that's the case, how can I properly drive a pair of headphones (Left, Right, Ground) with my module which has L+, L-, R+, R-.
Also a bit off topic, I would like to connect the microphone output as well but that's not the main issue and purpose of this question (granted if I want to connect my microphone which also has its own ground...