Have few of these components (TLP582) and I need to design a test circuit to test its functionality.
I have no idea how to make a circuit for this.
What should I be testing in an optocoupler?
Have few of these components (TLP582) and I need to design a test circuit to test its functionality.
I have no idea how to make a circuit for this.
What should I be testing in an optocoupler?
How can I test a TLP582 optocoupler?
Part A - Short Answer
TLP582 is similar to the popular ELP817C, except the following:
TLP582 has Totem Pole output, so can either source or sink current. ELP817C other other hand, can only sink current.
TLP582 has Schmitt trigger inverter in the input, while EL817C has none (not very sure) TLP 582 can be biased similar to EL817C, as described in References 1 and 2 below.
Procedures to testing TLP582
YouTube Video of TLP521-4 Testing, Using NE555 oscillator as input to blink a LED
To blink a LED
(a) Connect one end of 1kΩ resistor to 5V
(b) Connect the other end of resistor to TLP582 Input LED Pin 1
(c) Connect Ground to TLP582 Pin 2 to Ground
(d) Connect one end of another 1kΩ resistor to TLP582 Output (Pin 4)
(e) Connect ...
Note 1
I would suggest the OP to complete my circuit design, and also draw a schematic, showing the current calculations, as what is done in the EL817C in AppendixB. :)
Note 2
All the test procedures and calculations have not been proofread.
I am just a friendly hobbyist. No guarantee no nothing won't melt down or blow up.
Appendix B show how an EL817C optocoupler is used to switch a relay. TLp582 can be use the same circuit to switch a relay. However, there is one complication: EL817C output is open collector, so it can only be used to sink current, or Low level triggered at the front end. On the other hand, TLP582's output is is Totem Pole (Push Pull) output, so can be used to do either High or Low level triggering.
Part B - Long Answer
(1) How can I increase the output current to make it sufficient for relay module?
(2) How to properly use a relay module with JD-VCC from Arduino/Raspberry?
(3) Push–pull (Totem Pole) Output - Wikipedia
(4) Schmitt Trigger - Wikipedia
Appendix A - TLP582 Datsheet Summary
Appendix B - EL817C and EL354 Datasheet Summary
Appendix C -TLP521-4 Datasheet Summary
Appendix D - Switching a relay using EL817C
Appendix E - TLP582 Test Suggestion
Note: I don't have TLP582 to experiment with. So I am only suggesting the OP to do (1) Switch on/off a LED, (2) Blink a LED using manual jumpers, NE555 oscillator, or Arduino/Rpi C++/Python programming. I am updating Appendix E below to show how to do it using TLP512-4 or ELK817C.
Appendix E - Using manual jumper wire as input to switch on/off LED for both TLP512-4 (Channel 1), and Sharp PC817C
Both input logic power supply and output power supplied are 5V, with common ground.
Input series current limiting/protecting resistor is 1kΩ, current passing through input IR LED is around 4mA.
Output example load is 1kΩ in series with a LED (Common Cathode to Ground)
The wiring diagram is given below. A schematic might come later. :)