I'm fixing a device that is using this S81250HG voltage regulator that takes 9V as input and has an output of 5V. But this regulator seems to be fried. I'm measuring and it gets 9V on the input but nothing on the output. But I don't have the same model to replace it and see if that is the only problem.
However, I have lying around a 5V voltage regulator: L7805CV. For what I see it can also take 9V and regulated it down to 5V and it has 3 pins too (even though they don't have the same distribution, but I wouldn't connect straight to the PCB).
I was wondering if I could use this L7805CV voltage regulator as an alternative to the S81250HG or it could cause any issues. At least to see if the device turns on. And then I would look for a proper replacement.
Updating with a some more information:
The device I'm fixing is a Sony Discman D-50 (D-5 in the US). Here you can find a copy of the service manual.
If you check on page 17 of this document you can see the part of the DC input and voltage regulator: