I need to convert differential data signal to single ended signal using isolation transformer Expected configuration is
I cannot able to measure differential signal so i have used the below configuration The Input is fed from function generator 5V sine signal, the output is connected to oscilloscope. The same input should be displayed at output. But the output was not in the expected way. The amplitudes are changing for different frequencies, the output amplitude gets distorted for lower frequencies (i.e, 50KHz) and gets amplified at high frequencies (10MHz) .
In first images, first transformer part number : MABA-007159-000000 (link :https://cdn.macom.com/datasheets/MABA-007159-000000.pdf) and second transformer part number : MABAES0060 (link : https://www.mouser.in/datasheet/2/249/MABAES0060-961544.pdf). Now, I am giving input(-2.5V to +2.5V sine wave , 32KHz) from function generator and the output is observed at osciiloscope. Observations : The signal amplitude was attenuated at 32KHz, 320KHz, 200KHz at 5MHz the output was same as input but at >15MHz, output was amplified.
Now I swapped the input and output. same procedure was repeated , same observations were made.
can you please suggest any part numbers for achieving this application The circuit should work in bi-directional way i.e input should act as output also and output should act as input also i.e when data is fed at data+ and data-, this circuit should convert the signal to single ended , when input is O/P in first image then it should convert the single ended signal to differential signal. The frequency of signal is 32KHz and signal is -12 to +12V square wave.