I'm building a simple pulse generator with a TL494 in single ended configuration.
My plan is to set the frequency between 20Hz to 1kHz and duty cycle between 0% to 45%.
I will adjust that with a potentiometer.
How can I adjust the duty cycle? I've tried by adjusting PWM input, comparator or dtc. I test it with frequency below 100Hz and an LED at the output. I can see the blinking LED as a result, but I can't get a duty cycle between 0% to 45%. I just get about 0% to 100% and random duty cycle.
Please help me or show a circuit.
Heres's the schematics I've tried:
At first (err amp sett) and second (comp sett), I got unstable up to 50% duty cycle.
With last schematic (dtc sett), I got a stable duty cycle, but it give zero to 100 percent not 50 percent, and also the LED stops blinking or stays on at left or right edge of pot.
I also try to replace the IC, but still same. When I replace it with a KA7500, I got the expected result.
Sorry for my poor hand drawn schematic, I'm far from my home and computer at this moment.