Context Generator runs but no power output from the alternator.
The manual gives Ohm readings for the stator, excitation and rotor windings. The stator and excitation coil are to spec and have no short circuits with respect to the ground. However, there are no wires coming out for the rotor (this I believe is normal for a brushless alternator). So I think I might have to remove the stator to test the winding. It has diodes on it, do I have to un-solder the diodes to make it an open circuit to test the windings? Should I test the diodes too?
If my no power problem is due to a loss of excitation field, I have read that I can flash the excitation winding to create a magnetic field within the metal. However, the guide shows that I have to honor the polarity of the excitation winding and yet the 2 wires are both the same color with no sign of polarity markings. Is polarity important when flashing? I have read that $12 ; V$ for 5 seconds should work. Also, I will order a new multi-meter that is capable of testing the capacitor. If you have any advice on testing I would be grateful to receive it.
It is brushless as stated in the manual and because there are no brushes (unless they are in the prime mover end which would require removal of the stator to access)
Its an AP-85 manufactured by Meccalte
2 black wires that connect to the capacitor match the resistance of the excitation coil specified on page 11 in the manual.
the ground wire goes between the alternator chassis and the receptacle panel
the 4 coloured wires are the 2 stator coils (its a 115/130v alternator so I believe they are connected in series for 230v)
I have tested the stator output directly with the receptacle panel disconnected to rule out faulty breakers and changeover switch.
Manual, it's not great!