I have got 8 UV-C lamps connected to a portable battery(AC) through a smartplug. I am using 4 UV Ballast with 2 lamps connected to one ballast. I am controlling the lamps with help of a wireless controller which involves periodic switching on and off. When everything was new it was working absolutely fine, now the entire unit is 5months old and there is a frequent flickering of UV lamps. when i turn ON the UV light using the controller, it extinguishes automatically now and then But when i turn it ON again after sometime it again extinguishes. I am trying to debug what the problem is but I am not able to figure out the exact reason.
The specification of battery, UV ballast are in the respective links. Specification of the UV-C Lamps: Standard voltage AC100 / 200V Discharge start electricity pressure 94% Lamp current 0.800 ± 0.050 A Lamp pressure 92 V Lamp power 67 W
It would be really helpful if someone can give their insights. Upon serious research I also came to know that UV ballasts shelf life decreases with more we switch ON/OFF the lamps. Is this maybe the reason?