I am trying to solve an issue regarding a firmware with this 64-bit Nucleo Board. I have the hex file and can see the ready source code but when I upload the firmware I am not able to communicate through virtual port via PC USB port.
I was suspicious of the USART settings and I noticed the firmware I am trying to use is using USART3. And in the Nucleo's manual here the following is mentioned:
If I am not mistaken I need to do the above wiring to be able to communicate with the PC. Because in my case the firmware is configured for USART3.
And in my case USART3 is set as following:
So in my case the USART3 pins are:
And below is the board's connectors and pins:
My questions are:
1-) If what I am trying to do is correct, in my case(with this board) I need to connect:
PB10 to CN9 pin RX
PB11 to CN9 pin TX
If correct, which are PB10 and PB11 pins on the board connectors?
2-) I have the board in my hand and I cannot see any pin numbers on CN7 neither in real nor in the manual. How is it found which pin is where?
Seems like I found the pin out here:
So my question is reduced to: Is the following correct way?:
D6(PB10) to CN9 pin RX(D0)
D10(PB11) to CN9 pin TX(D1)