I'm designing a radar transceiver board using the LTC5599. In the datasheet for the part, there is a schematic that shows the circuit configuration for the evaluation board. Here is an image of the layout given.
Here is a link to the datasheet:
Two questions:
For the SPI lines, why are there 1k resistors and 2.2pF capacitors? My best guess is that it is to reduce emissions, since the SPI bus can operate at a maximum 20 MHz and is likely to leak interfering signals. Is this correct? If so, should all SPI interfaces have the resistors and capacitors attached to them in a multidrop configuration?
Why are there 49.9 ohm resistors and a 100 nF capacitor to ground on the BBPI/BBPQ differential pair? For context, this pair of wires is the differential baseband input to the chip. The quoted baseband bandwidth for the chip is around 28 MHz. Are these resistors there for impedance matching purposes? And if I only plan on using baseband signals that are a few kilohertz in bandwidth, can I potentially ignore this part of the circuit?
Any help would be much appreciated.