I've been studying photo transistors, but I'm rusty on leakage current in bjt. I don't get why CE leakage current is \$ 1+\beta \$ times CB leakage current. It seems like the bjt amplifies CB leakage current. I have two questions troubling me:
- How can a thermally generated electron-hole pair in CB junction contribute to a current from the supply? Won't the BE junction stop it?(Because the charge carriers have to cross two reverse biased junctions)
- The leakage current relation \$I_{CEO} = (1+\beta)I_{CBO}\$ seems to suggest that the common emitter configuration amplifies the leakage current from collector to base(\$CB\$). How can leakage current from collector to base be amplified to produce a huge leakage current from collector to emitter?
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
CB leakage current
is not base current, it is flowing from collector supply into the base. This is different from the base current right? \$\endgroup\$