I am using S32K142 64-pin Microcontroller. 3V3 Supply.
I am interfacing this Stepper Motor Driver to the Microcontroller using SPI lines.
I have already asked a similar question over here
The SDO pin from the Driver IC is the output and Microcontroller takes this signal as the input.
The SDO pin is a push-pull output. And this is connected to the GPIO pin of the Microcontroller.
I am trying to understand on how much current would flow (source or sink) from the push-pull output to the Microcontroller input pin (sourcing current or sinking current). Like, on what parameter is the current dependent upon?
Like, does it depend on the internal pull-up or pull-down resistor of the microcontroller? Should I enable the internal pull-up or pull-down resistor?
I am doing this because, I am trying to make a logic IO compatibility between the Driver IC and the Microcontroller.
Since the Microcontroller takes input from the SDO pin, I have not mentioned Voh and Vol levels under the Microcontroller column. And similarly, since the SDO pin is output from the Driver IC, I have not mentioned the values for its Vih and Vil.
So, can someone tell me how to find the Voh and Vol voltage of the SDO pin on the Driver IC?