I have a circuit that allows me to automatically control my blinds by having a H-bridge chip control a small motor, usually 12V.
The full schematic can be found here.
I have now tried to use the same circuit (as I had them hanging around) to control a 20 V linear activator. I have destroyed a few hbridge chips now but have determined when powering my circuit with 15V the H-bridge chip burns.
The chip is a ZXMHC3F381N8
The data sheet Absolute maximum ratings says
Gate-Source voltage VGS ±20 ±20 V
What am I missing here ? Why does 15 V kill it ? (This is with no load connected by the way)
Ideally I would like to control the gate with a lower voltage than the supply voltage but I only wanted one regulator on board with is a 3.3 V and that's not enough.
Maybe a voltage divider where I can customise the resistors for different applications but that sounds clunky.
Any suggestions for that ?