The following is a board with an STM32F103 MCU.
Is it possible to tell if the marked port on the top left (JK1) is a Cortex Debug port that may be connectable with an ST-Link V2 or similar ?
According to some online references the pins used for the LQFPR48's debug port are PA13,PA14,PA15,PB3 & PB4.
UPDATE: PA13(SWDIO) and PA14 (SWDCLK) have traces all the way to the header but it's hard to see on which pin they end up. The back side has a wide LCD display connector and white wrapping which makes it hard to see where one trace go to and the other has a trace that seem to end up on two holes. GND is the filled hole with no traces (I've tested it for continuity). So that leaves me with finding Vcc, and the other 2 SWD signals positions.
Also, the port's holes do not fit with a 2.54mm which is typical for a pin header and also the connector wires that comes with the ST-Link v2 (Chinese clone). I'll appreciate any suggestions or enlightenments.