I'm trying to simulate the following circuit with a resistive load:
The control circuit provides three signals, and are the turn on signals for the thyristors:
the first one (yellow) α1 = α + π/6: the second one (red) α2 = α + 5π/6 and the third one (green) α3 = α + 3π/2
This is the isolation circuit:
And this is the main circuit
For α = 0. the following voltage results on the load, in yellow is VRN:
For α = π/2 The resulting signal is this, with VRN, VSN and VTN:
But that's not the right signal, it should start from 2π/3. Why the resulting signal doesn't match the corresponding pulse time?
These are the pulses, and the VRN signal. For α = π/2 the blue pulse should activate the thyristor at 2π/3, but the resulting signal that has been previously shown doesn't seem like it's working that way, why?
I've changed the connections as suggested in the comment and answer. The output signal is closer to the expected, but it seems like there's some sort of noise on the signal
And this is the output signal for α = 0, α1 = π/6
For α = π/2, this is the signal:
In the last image, the negative part shouldn't be there
I've tried with the 15V power source connected to ground but for α = π/2 the output signal is this
What changes can be done to improve the output signal, is there something else I'm missing?
, notV(A,GND)
. \$\endgroup\$10k
resistors are not too high? Did you probe the voltages and currents at the SCRs? How did they look like? Were they according to teh requirements, or did they fall outside the specs? Wouldn't it be much easier, and faster, to think for yourself and do these on your own, instead of waiting hours or possibly days for an answer served on a plate? How will that help you in the long run if you can't help yourself? I'm curious if you think I was harsh. \$\endgroup\$