I am trying to hookup a led strip to a 5 V 40 A power supply and ESP8266 microcontroller. I know that the led strip and microcontroller can only draw as many amps as needed. I am concerned about the gauge of the wire/electrical connections used in the led strip and microcontroller and whether it can handle 40 A without burning out. For a little more info, the LEDs on my strip are the WS2812B LEDs which use a maximum of 60 mA per LED. I am going to be using 3 meters of 144 LEDs per meter strips. So there would be a maximum of3x144x60 mA = 25.92 A current drawn from the LEDs. I’m aware of power injection to allow 5 V to be delivered throughout the strip, but I am concerned about the connections of the LED strip itself to be able to handle a 40 A power supply.
I connected a 1 m LED strip to the power supply and the wires from the power supply up until the led strip started burned out. Do I just need to get better gauge wires up until the LED strip and will the strip itself be able to handle the 40 amps? Also will the microcontroller burn out from the 40 amps or is it ok? I’m a little new to this and don’t want to cause a fire or burn out any of the components so any help would be appreciated!
Specific LEDs I bought (the WS2812B ones at 144 LEDs per meter)