2I've bought a smoke alarm with a relay for my 3D printer. If the smoke alarm detects smoke it switches its internal relay. With this I thought I could switch off the printer.
The thing is that after buying it I found out it only goes to 1A at 30V. Then I figured out I have a spare 5V ywrobot relay laying around.
When running the 5V though the relay of the smoke alarm (NC,) can I use it directly to switch the 5V relay for the printer? Do I need something in between or does the relay shield take care of the rest? (So no resistors in between or anything.)
-- EDIT 2 --
I think I've created some noise :) I've made a new diagram that removes the extra devices, just a simplified setup.
After edit one I just winged it and tried to connect 5V to the Pin IN1. This did not work. But connecting Pin IN1 to GND did switch the relay shield. So I guess I have to rephrase the question:
Can I safely connect Pin IN1 directly to GND (Ground)?
I currently got it working like the diagram below. Should I add a component between Pin IN1 and GND? Or would this work just like this.
The rest of the devices are within the volts and amp ratings of both relays mentioned at the start
I've removed the coil from the diagram because it did not represent the entire shield. Now they are labeled by pins.