To give my ESP32 ethernet I need to have a clock signal on PIN0 but the problem here is that if I start them up at the same time I have a 50/50 chance to go into the bootloader mode (Pin0 high on boot) which is bad. I would need to have a constant way to boot normal everytime I restart the MC - for that some people recommend a delay via a BD5230G which I tried but it kinda failed. After checking why I realised I totally misplaced a transistor that I wanted to use as a fail-safe method to turn on the LAN8720 Chip(PHY)
In picture 1 you see how I "tried" to enable the LAN8720 via a transistor, it didn't work at all so I removed it and bridged 1 and 3 to power the chip on.
In picture 2 you can see how I tried to delay the power on the clock, sadly that didn't work either even without my transistor.
For the next version I would like to rearrange the transitor as in picture 3 would that work in combination with the delay but would that work ?
ESP_EN/ETH_POWER_EN is on pin 32 which doesnt do anything on boot. For the code I used the example arduino code for the LAN8720 both with and without enable pin but I still have like a 50/50 chance to get into bootloader.