I'd like to design a circuit that utilizes a small 1.3" LCD display with maximum LED backlight forward current of 40 mA. Since I'd like to use brightness control, I am hesitating between using a standard PWM transistor circuit or a dedicated LED driver for the backlight. I've seen both applications used in dedicated products, however I don't know which one would be appropriate in my case.
Therefore the question: What are the pros and cons of a transistor PWM circuit vs LED driver circuit for a display backlight?
Here are some examples of the two circuits:
- Transistor PWM circuit:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Using a dedicated dimming LED driver e.g. aw9364 (cheaper or more appropriate may exist, if you agree then please recommend one):
Using an LED driver e.g. ZXSC310 (cheaper or more appropriate may exist, if you agree then please recommend one):
From my perspective, I find the transistor circuit much cheaper and easier to implement. I am hesitant about any EMC issues that may be caused by the PWM, however the transistor circuit and the display will be placed within max of 1 cm of each other. The MCU will also be within same distance and definitely has a dedicated PWM output.
My application will not use a battery but a constant power supply source.