I designed a PCB with Altium and now I want to print each layer separately in one or several PDF files.
From the Porjects tab I selected the *.PcbDoc => File => Smart PDF...
In the window "Choose Export Target" I select the .PrjPcb file and in the following window too.
In the window "Export Bill of Materials", I do not export the bill of materials. In the window "PCB Printout Settings" I select Top, Bottom, Double Sided and Holes check boxes. I also select the "Entire Sheet" Area to print
In the window "Additional PDF Settings" I chose to print in color and all the check boxes in the Additional Information section excepted "Global Bookmarks for Components and Nets".
Finally I let all suggested by default in the "Final Steps" window.
And when I click on finish the resulting PDF is my PCB with all the layers in one page, so it is not readable...
I am using Altium 14.3.