I'm a budding physicist with little electronic design experience and am interested in driving an alternating E-field of adjustable strength within capacitive loads.
Buying a several thousand dollar piece of bench equipment to drive the devices I'm testing isn't in the cards so I've been trying to create a design to interface with my lab's function generator and power supplies.
Shown below is my initial design which has much more power draw than seems necessary.
The specs for my capacitive driver are
- Drive loads around 10k-100 kΩ, 10 n - 10 uF (100 kΩ, 10uF most importantly)
- Minimal current drawn through load devices
- 1 MHz switching (adjustable if possible... would be interested in also exploring some range of ~100 kHz - 10 MHz)
- ~20 - 100 V adjustable peak to peak output swings
Any advice on alternative designs or mitigations to the high power requirements of my current design would be greatly appreciated.