For a project, I have a solar panel and a charge regulator with a 12V battery. The load is a Raspberry Pi. I want to monitor the voltages and the current flowing from the panel, the battery and to the RPi. I bought three INA226 prebuilt PCBs from AliExpress (schematics below.)
The wiring that I am using is the one in the image. The problem is that when I connect the GND of the INA226 board (U2) of the battery to the GND of the load (U3,) the RPi turns on even if the load is disabled from the charge regulator. The same happens when I connect the VCCs but a lower current is flowing to the RPi.
I tried to attach the U1, U2, U3 to the buck converter but from the bad smell I think that should not be done.
What am I missing?
The INA226 PCB that I am using:
Its schematics: