I'm working on a current mirror circuit and I'm in a little bit of a problem. I have a current mirror circuit, which is supposed to, well, mirror the current, except that the current in the "copy" part has nothing to do with the original current, according to circuitlab.
Clearly, I don't understand something, but I can't figure out what exactly.
It is intended to be voltage-controlled, V1 can vary. The circuit on the left (current to be mirrored) has the correct 10uA, but the one on the right has some 800+ uA, and if I remove the resistor on the right, my expectation is to, well, have 10uA because it is supposed to copy current from the left (which I actually expect regardless of the resistor as long as there is enough supply voltage), except that it becomes a whole amp or more or something. Nothing like what I expect. So I definitely don't understand something.
"Copy" current has a lot more base current in Q3/Q4, which, well, makes sense, given there is a lot more collector current. Why tho.
I tried moving R2 on top of the transistors, between the supply and Q4. No visible difference, still larger currents in the copy.
Question: why is my current not mirrored with or without R2? What am I missing out? Why are Q4/Q3 conducting a lot more?
Sub-question: how do I make voltage-controlled current source that I can mirror?
EDIT: maybe I should only connect op amp output to the base and NOT to collector of the circuit on the left?
EDIT 2: connected both collectors to 5V supply in sim, only bases to op amp output. Same problem.