Pretty much only AND makes sense. I can see how it would be more concise to represent AND as "multiplication" when you can potentially have a bunch of variables compared to having to place an && between each variable.
But then onto NOT. While in a vacuum placing a bar over a variable is just as intuitive and valid as placing an exclamation mark ahead of the variable like !A, other factors make me question why it is used. Even pre-internet, for the purposes of printing textbooks and such, would it not be easier to print !A than have to have a custom block for the printing press that contains a letter with a bar over it? And in the present day, it's so much easier to type !A than to finagle a bar over A somehow.
Finally onto OR. Oh boy. Using "+" to represent OR seems incredibly counterintuitive. Both because it's half of the compsci ++, and also just because the basic math drilled into our heads as young children goes 1 + 2 = 3, one and two make 3. It intuitively brings the idea of "and" to the mind, though not necessarily the boolean AND. The || notation from compsci seems to, even if not intuitive, at least not be unintuitive like +.
So are there some advantages to this notation that I haven't noticed? Is there a historical reason as to why this notation is used? If there are no advantages, why has the convention not borrowed elements that seem to be much superior?
to represent NOT, or∧
to represent AND. \$\endgroup\$