I'm measuring an LED with a light sensor but I'm running into a problem where the LED's luminosity (lux) is decreasing over time. Confusing since this is a simple setup, I don't know if the LED's I'm using are defective or something else is failing.
I'm running an Arduino Uno and other than the light sensor, the LED (https://www.adafruit.com/product/754) is just a simple circuit connected with an 250 ohm resistor. I've done the math and it checks out, and using a multimeter I can confirm that the current going through the LED is less than the maximum continuous current of 20mA. I even tried almost doubling the resistance, at 440 ohms, and it still had the same problem. It doesn't seem like the LED is significantly overheated, so I'm not sure what the cause of this is. Could there be something wrong with the wires or could the light sensor be the problem?
This is happening over a short period of time, 5-10 minutes.