I just recently started learning about electrical engineering stuff, and since my final goal of building a Z80 Computer seems a bit far away, for now, I decided I'd make a simple clock I could possibly use for that first.
Since I decided to not order a 555 Timer, I wanted to build something with the same result with the parts I got laying about.
Here's the schematic I used and the circuit I built (hopefully it isn't too awful for something a newcomer created!).
I've gone over the schematic multiple times. The only differences I am aware of are the fact I used the BC549, which is supposedly interchangeable with the 2N3904, and I used some 0 Ohm Resistors due to not having enough wire laying about. Otherwise, all the resistor values, capacitor values, etc. should be exactly the same as those in the schematic.
Any and all help/advice is appreciated!
Edit: The pin order of the Transistors is opposite of what they'd be with a 2N3904. Thank you, Audioguru!