I need to select the proper transformer to use in a device to convert from a hi-z input to a lo-z input. As far as I understand transformers have no impedance, rather a percent impedance which is actually a voltage, expressed as a % of rated voltage, that is required to circulate rated current through the transformer.
When I shop for audio transformers they list primary and secondary impedances. Am I to assume theyre providing me two parts of a ratio that is the % impedance, and that as a parameter it doesnt have a direct effect on my use case of wanting to go from hi-z to low-z? Also it lists the impedance as "CT" which is center tapped as I understand. i also dont understand why the values are provided as center tapped primary and secondary impedances.
Here is an example transformer that calls out primary/secondary impedance. https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Triad-Magnetics/TY-250P?qs=Yx4IQMNd5u7UhIpi75ZQsw%3D%3D
Thank you