
I have the following circuit. I try to find a way to combine the all plots into a single one (like ltspice's .step card). Unfortunately I couldn't get the example from the ngspice's manual working.

I would be grateful if anyone could help me understand the logic behind what I am trying to achieve. I think I need to force my vectors to be stored in a single plot but from my research I found more than one way of doing that (I just cannot understand the logic of those examples so I couldn't adapt them for my circuit)

I use ngspice 35

.TITLE AC test

.INCLUDE ../../lib/lm393.sub

x1 in 0 1 0 out lm393

c1 in 0 100n
r1 1 in 100k
c2 out 0 100n
r2 1 out 4.7k

vsup 1 0 DC 5
vin in 0 AC 1

*foreach x 1n 10n 50n 100n
*    alter c1 = $x
*    ac dec 100 1 100k

alter c2 = 10n
ac dec 100 1 1Meg
alter c2 = 100n
ac dec 100 1 1Meg
alter c2 = 1u
ac dec 100 1 1Meg
alter c2 = 10u
ac dec 100 1 1Meg

plot db(ac1.out) db(ac2.out) db(ac3.out) db(ac4.out)

2 Answers 2


I found an way of solving my problem

set curplot = new                  *We create a new plot to store our vectors
set acplot = $curplot              *We "store" our plot in a variable for further use

foreach x 1n 10n 50n 100n          *Loop through our desired value
    alter c2 = $x
    ac dec 100 1 1Meg

    foreach y 1k 10k 50k 100k      *Loop through our desired value
        alter r2 = $y
        ac dec 100 1 1Meg
        set aux = $curplot         *Each analysis will create its own plot
                                   *We need to remember every analysis each time to retrieve our data
        set curplot = $acplot      *Now we set the plot we want to store data into
                                   *In our case the plot created previously
        let 'db out c2: $x r2: $y' *Using let we will create a new vector with a user defined name 
        + = db({$aux}.out)         *Now we use the use the plot "stored" in aux to get our data
                                   *The + sign is used the instruction continues on another line, not to append
                                   *The {} is used to "delimit" the variable to $aux, without {} it would be seen as $aux.out

set curplot = $acplot              *Set current plot as the plot generated by us
plot all vs ac1.frequency          *User created plot are of type 'unknown' so it will not know to plot frequency as xaxis by default.
                                   *Furthermore we have not stored the frequency vector inside our plot so I used any ac analysis to get the data

I hope that this solution will help others and if anyone knows other solutions or have any improvement regarding mine I would like to know

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ You can run this script from ngspice? nice. Hard to find many advanced examples or literature about how to use ngspice and its limits. \$\endgroup\$
    – pat
    Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 6:35
  • \$\begingroup\$ You can accept your own answer (the green check mark). That will tell other people, in the future, searching for similar problems, that this one has an accepted solution. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 7:18

If you're good at plotting within Octave or from python then you can do what I do, which is to save your data from ngspice and then read the data into Octave or python and plot it from there any way you want. There are a few libraries around but the ones I use for reading the data are both written by Werner Hoch, called spice_read.py for python and spice_readfile.m for Octave (or Matlab). A little googling should find the latest versions. You first run your simulation with:

ngspice -b -rmy_output_filename myspicefile.cir

and then you load the "my_output_filename" in your python or octave program. If you don't know much about python or octave then there will be a learning curve, but there are many rewards to be had from learning such a scientific programming environment. Beyond plotting you can filter, process, and automate your analysis.


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