I'm troubleshooting a circuit board that has a dead short somewhere. I removed some capacitors which were shorted in circuit but the problem was elsewhere on the board.
When testing these 1500uf 2.5V capacitors they read as 1900uf in my capacitance tester. Could this be the result of age, a result of being within a faulty circuit for a prolonged period of time, or could they have come from the factory like this?
They don't have a brand written on them but were paired with Nichicon caps. The board itself was manufactured by MSI in the mid 2000s.
My other questions are speculative and not that important. My real question is that, assuming that these capacitors were installed like this from the factory, could such a difference in the rated capacitance create problems in the circuit?
I am a hobbyist with basic repair skills and have very little electronics experience and don't understand the consequences of what an out of spec capacitor can cause.