I'm a new graduate and fresh hired Electrical Engineer who works in a company building magnetic separators for general industry (including mining, recycling etc.)
Normally, we build magnetic seperators with permanent magnets but yesterday, the management brought a new type of separator from a nearby laboratory for R&D purposes which runs the separation operation with 2 identical but opposite coils creating an electromagnet on the middle.
The coils are armored and insulated and I can't see the diameter of the wire inside. I'll include the image of the coils. I've been tasked to find the number of turns in one of the coils and the diameter of the wire used on the winding.
I have the following measurements:
- The resistance of 1 coil is 16,5 ohms.
- The machine runs on 150V and draws 7A on that voltage.
- The core of the coil is iron which the diameter of it is 274mm and coil length is 420mm.
- The winding height is 114mm.
- Total diameter of the coil and winding is 515mm.
I need to find the number of turns and the wire's diameter.
Please help me and let me know if I can measure anything else for the computation I'm trying to do.
2 opposite coils creating the electromagnet. The closer one is armored, the other one unarmored which the armor can be seen.
Electrical box:
EDIT - 11th October
Hey all again, I was able to get the product catalogue and got some more information about the machine. It actually is a Jones type wet high intensity magnetic seperator (WHIMS). The model is P40. I leave some details down on the pictures below. We were able to measure 15000 Gauss on the rotor and grooved plate boxes part with a Gaussmeter. What I need to understand now is that what if I want to expand the rotor diameter from 400mm to 1000-1200mm? How would that affect the coils on the machine? Will I need more windings causing the wiring diameter to be bigger? Just trying to make sense on the whole operation about magnetic seperators here. I also calculated the turns with the given calculators and here are the results;
Also the data from the catalogue;
General image of the Jones P40;
Does these makes sense for the given magnetic ? All help would be appreciated.