According to the datasheet the low power version of the 386SX comes in a QFP100 and can be run at as low as 2MHz. I'm wondering if it might be possible to prototype a system on a standard solderless breadboard using a QFP100-to-DIP100 test socket. Based on what people do with 6502's, 2MHz seems like it could be okay but I'm worried about the max values of C[IN] = 10pF, C[OUT] = 12pF, C[CLK] = 20pF on page 67 of the datasheet and maybe other things that aren't even listed. I'm guessing this is probably stupid but I just want to play with a minimal real 386 setup.
According to Dave from EEVBlog, who measured the the parasitic capacitance on several different breadboards at 1kHz, it's about 2pF between lead columns and 20pF between power rails. I see people doing Z80 projects on breadboards at 4MHz and I see this answer says under 10MHz should be okay. So it seems like it might work if I'm reading the situation right, but am I missing anything here? I'd like a bit more confidence than that.