I do colorful led light near my table. I have 5 common anode led rgb strips, glued to a different places.
I'm trying to develop my own rgb controller based on ESP8266, with WIFI and USB, and met a problem: all solution to have more pwm pins, than chip hardware pwm pins, uses too low frequency.
Before that i used custom pcb with atmega328p and 6 mosfet's, but it can control only two rgb strips.
I'm shoot a video for YouTube, and use rgb led strips as part of background. If frequency are too low, all picture are flickering, and it's unacceptable for me.
I know about pca9685 witch have 16 pwm outputs, but it's max frequency too low(~1kHz), so all picture flickering too. Software pwm have too low frequency and uses took many resources, too.
In addition, ESP8266 doesn't have hardware pwm pins.
So my question is: How to have 16 pwm outputs in ESP8266, working at ~4kHz or more?
P.S. Sorry for my bad english, I'm not native speaker.