I want to use a Neopixel LED strip, with 20 LEDs. I am using an ESP32 chip. Hence I need a level shifter. I have decided to use the 74HCT04ADG because it is cheap and most importantly still in stock at most suppliers.
Since this is IC accommodates 6 "devices" and I only need to use one pin (1A to ESP32 and 1Y to Neopixel LED), do I need to ground all the other unused pins (3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13) or can I leave this unconnected on the PCB?
Secondly, I have also made provision for a second-level shifter on the PCB (SN74AHCT125), should stock run out of the above. Again I am only using pins, 1OE, 1A, and 1Y. Where pin 1 (1OE NOT) is grounded. Do I need to again in this case use a pull-up 10k resistor to 5V for the other OE pins (2OE, 3OE, and 4OE) and then ground the other pins (5,6,8,9,11 and 12) or can I leave them unconnected on the PCB?