I want to use a micro-controller (like an Arduino) to:
- Charge an external capacitor
- Measure voltage across the capacitor
- Capacitor discharge rate as low as possible.
- Capacitor discharge rate while using ADC to measure voltage as low as possible.
The microcontroller has
- DAC (to charge capacitor)
- ADC (to measure capacitance)
- Multiplexer to attach DAC/ADC to whatever pin you want
- I use a multimeter to measure resitance between pin 0 and pin 1 = 1Mohm (Q1 is pin0-1 resistance called chip resitance? What is the name?)
I can attach a capacitor between pins 0 and 1 however it will discharge as 1Mohm resitance isn't very high.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
- Is the pin 0 to 1 resistance called chip resistance? What is the name?
- How can I reduce the capacitor discharge after I charge it with the DAC?
- How can I reduce the discharge while measuring voltage with ADC?
My actual chip is the NHS3152. I am looking for any solution, even one with other components to be added.
I was thinking of using the capacitor as an X-ray detector:
- X-rays would interact with the dielectric to create e-h pairs
- The electric field present on the charged capacitor would separate the charges
- This would affect voltage across capacitance.
- Measure the voltage with NHS3152 and have a working device.
If the capacitor discharges over time, then the field within the dielectric would change, separating the e-h pairs less, so low-discharge is important.
prefix, like they taught us back in school way before enrolling in actual engineering studies? \$\endgroup\$