I am fairly new to working on electronics and need some advice with fixing a circuit board for my pops. I know this is not a chit chat site, so here goes:
- I located a broken trace from what appears to be a ground terminal (# 1) that runs underneath another component (# 2) next to it.
- As I started to de-solder the component (# 3) by heating the existing solder and applying a small amount of new lead solder, I managed to clear out most of the pins with a de-soldering plunger, except pin # 5 would not budge.
I tried to add more solder to the pin and this time the solder went through the hole and underneath the component (# 4).
- I read that you may be able to use solder wick to remove the excess solder underneath but I wanted to get some advice before proceeding.
I believe my biggest issue was using an outdated soldering gun from my pops and I have already ordered a new soldering station.
Mike D.